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Coastal Georgia Chapter (CGC)

The Coastal Georgia Chapter (CGC) a chapter of the Institute for Public Procurement (NIGP) is a not-for-profit organization comprised of public purchasing officials throughout Coastal Georgia.


Our membership includes representatives from state and local government, special districts, and public education agencies concerned with professionalism and continuing education in the purchasing profession.


CGC, chartered in 1991, currently the chapter has grown to over 30 members. We invite you to join us at an upcoming meeting to learn more about how CGC can help you and your public entity.


  • To establish cooperative relationships among our members for the development of efficient purchasing methods and practices in the field of educational, governmental and public institutional procurement.
  • To promote the interchange of ideas and experience within the purchasing profession.
  • To promote professional competence through ongoing training and certification of those engaged in the purchasing profession.
  • To assure the public (taxpayers) that the maximum effort is being made to spend their tax money wisely and in the most professional manner possible.
  • To advance purchasing as a profession and encourage professionalism of our members.

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